Figure 6
Pioglitazone treatment reduces lipid droplet accumulation in the liver. (A) Experimental scheme of PIO treatment. Larvae were immersed in PIO+ 0.1% DMSO for 1 h prior to the first HFD treatment and remained in PIO throughout. (B?D) Representative optical slices of BODIPY-stained 2CLIP zebrafish liver depicting (B) untreated controls, (C) HFD-fed larvae, and (D) HFD-fed + PIO hi (5 µM) treated larvae; hepatocytes are labeled in red via expression of the transgene fabp10:dsRed and examples of green-labeled lipid droplets are indicated by arrows. (E) Quantification of lipid droplets in hepatocytes area as executed with FIJI software. Statistical analysis was by one-way ANOVA; * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01. Scale bar = 50 µm.