Fig. 2

Figures for Dai et al., 2022
Figure Caption

Fig. 2

MgIG ameliorate acute alcohol induced-hepatic steatosis in zebrafish Larvae. a Oil red O staining of frozen sections through the livers of larvae treated as indicated. Clear lipid droplets were seen in livers from larvae fed with alcohol. MgIG and NAC treatment decreased lipid droplets and ameliorated hepatic steatosis in alcohol-treated zebrafish larvae. b Oil red O staining of frozen sections through the livers of zebrafish larvae. We categorized “Normal”, “Medium”, or “Severe” by varying degrees of lipid deposition in the livers of zebrafish by frozen liver sections. Representative images of “Normal”, “Medium”, or “Severe” were shown (× 400 magnification). c Quantification of steatosis is categorized “normal”, “medium”, or “severe”. Bar chart indicates the percentages of each category in each group, and the percentages of larvae in “normal” category is noted (n = 9–11 each group)

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