Fig. 1

Figures for Xiao et al., 2022
Figure Caption

Fig. 1 The tectal neuropil of larval zebrafish is interspersed with OPC processes but largely devoid of myelin.

a, Transgenic zebrafish showing OPC processes throughout the brain. Dashed line indicates cross-sectional plane shown in b and c. Schematic of zebrafish brain delineates RGC axons, dendrites of PVINs and OPCs in tectal neuropil. b, c, Cross-sectional views of transgenic zebrafish showing that OPC processes intersperse the tectal neuropil (dashed lines), whereas myelin is largely absent. Scale bars, 50 µm. d, Sub-projection of OPC reporter lines (dorsal view) stained with BODIPY to outline tectal neuropil (NP) and the periventricular neuron zone (PVN). Dashed lines indicate the border between NP and PVN. Scale bar, 40 µm. e, Time lapse of four individual OPCs (lateral rotation view). Dashed lines depict tectal NP. Scale bar, 20 µm. f, g, Quantifications of individual OPCs as shown in e, showing low rates of soma position changes, division and differentiation.

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