Fig. 4
aldh2.1−/−mutants displayed an elevation of endogenous AA and lowered postprandial blood glucose. A–E: Determination of glucose and endogenous reactive metabolites in 96 hpf old zebrafish larvae displayed significantly increased AA (C) in aldh2.1−/− mutants, but no changes for glucose (A), MG (B), 4-HNE (D) or ACR (E), n = 3–15 clutches, 50 larvae per clutch. Measurements were done via ELISA (A,D,E) or GC-MS/LC-MSMS (B,C). F-J: Glucose and endogenous reactive metabolites in adult zebrafish displayed significantly increased AA (H) in aldh2.1−/− liver and decreased postprandial blood glucose (I). MG (G,J) in fasted and postprandial zebrafish eyes as well as fasting blood glucose (F) stayed unaltered in aldh2.1−/− zebrafish, n = 4–18. Measurement of blood glucose was perfomed with a glucometer. MG and AA were measured via GC-MS and LC-MSMS respectively. Statistical analysis was done via Student's t-test, ns = not significant, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.