Figure 3

Figures for Glazer et al., 2021
Figure Caption

Figure 3 Novel tank dive test. Adult zebrafish that were developmentally exposed to 0 (control), 5, 10, 15, and 30 nM MeHg were individually placed in the testing tank (novel environment) and recorded for 5 min. Total activity (a) was calculated as the total distance travelled by the fish in each minute of the trial. Dive response (b) was calculated as the average distance of the fish from the bottom of the tank in each minute of the trial. Subject numbers (N): 0 nM = 111; 5 nM = 71; 10 nM = 52; 15 nM = 53, 30 nM = 57. Asterisks next to group names indicate significant difference from the control group.

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