Figure 4 supplement 2

Figures for Gentile et al., 2021
Figure Caption

Figure 4 supplement 2 <italic toggle='yes'>desmb</italic> overexpression in cardiomyocytes (CMs) leads to reduced junctional N-cadherin.

(A, A’) Orthogonal projection in the YZ plane of the heart of an embryo injected with myl7:desmb-p2a-GFP and immunostained for N-cadherin, GFP, and Alcama at 52 hpf. Close-up of boxed area of desmb-overexpressing and adjacent control CMs (A’). (B, B’) Fluorescence intensity profile (FIP) (B) and mean fluorescence intensity (mFI) (B’) of N-cadherin in CMs that overexpress desmb (magenta arrowheads) and CMs that do not overexpress desmb (white arrowheads) CMs. N-cadherin immunostaining is reduced in the junctional domains in desmb overexpressing CMs. (FIP: desmb OE CMs, N = 118; desmb OE extruding CMs, N = 44; control CMs, N = 95; mFI: desmb OE CMs, N = 57; desmb OE extruding CMs, N = 30; control CMs, N = 61). Plot values represent means ± S.E.M. In the violin plot, solid black lines indicate median. p-Values determined by Kruskal–Wallis test. Scale bars: 20 µm (A); 2 µm (A’). ap: apical; ba: basal; N: number of CMs.

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