Figure S2

Figures for Petridou et al., 2021
Figure Caption

Figure S2

Rigidity analysis in WT embryos, related to Figure 2

(A) Confocal images of the central blastoderm of an exemplary WT embryo imaged at 1st-2nddeep cell layer with nuclei marked by H2B-GFP and membranes by membrane-RFP at consecutive time points during the fluidization/thickening process taken from a time lapse video of a WT embryo.

(B) Same images as shown in (A) with labeled interstitial fluid marked by dextran to reveal the spaces between the cells.

(C) Same images as in (B) with overlaid connectivity maps.

(D) Rigidity analysis of the connectivity maps shown in (C). Floppy areas are illustrated in gray, rigid areas in green, the Giant Cluster (GC) in red and the 2nd GC in orange.

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Reprinted from Cell, 184(7), Petridou, N.I., Corominas-Murtra, B., Heisenberg, C.P., Hannezo, E., Rigidity percolation uncovers a structural basis for embryonic tissue phase transitions, 1914-1928.e19, Copyright (2021) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Cell