Fig. 1

Figures for Dapueto et al., 2020
Figure Caption

Fig. 1 Fig. 1. NATx0 inhibits acute inflammatory response in zebrafish larvae. A, α- Tocopherol Vitamin E, its hydrosoluble form (Trolox™) and Trolox-derived nitroalkene NATx0 chemical structures are shown. B, NATx0 inhibits neutrophil recruitment in an acute inflammatory assay in zebrafish larvae. Briefly, 3 dpf zebrafish neutrophil-specific larvae Tg (mpx:GFP) were pretreated with NATx0, Trolox or Ibuprofen for 2 h and wounded in tail fins by transection with a scapel. After, larvae were incubated again in the presence of the compounds during 4 h and then recruited neutrophils were imaged and quantified. Experimental diagram and representative pictures obtained corresponding to DMSO, NATx0 0.2 μM and NATx0 0.5 μM are shown. Graph represent the quantification of the neutrophils recruited to wounded fins inside a defined ROI. Bar graphs shown are the mean ± S.D. (error bars) of at least 17 larvae in each condition. Data represents two independent experiments. Statistical analysis: One-way ANOVA with Bonferroni's multiple comparison test, * = 0.0487; DMSO vs Tx 2 μM ns = 0.992; DMSO vs Tx 4 μM ns = 0.844; **** <0.0001; **** <0.0001.

Figure Data
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