Figure 2

Figures for Qian et al., 2020
Figure Caption

Figure 2 slc4a2b mRNA expression pattern detected by WISH. (A, B) The slc4a2b mRNA was mainly expressed in the otic vesicle (indicated by red arrowheads) and caudal vein (indicated by red dotted lines) at 24 hpf and 36 hpf. (A’’) shows the dorsal view of the otic vesicle, and (A’’’) and (B’’) are focused on the caudal vein. (C) At 48 hpf, slc4a2b mRNA was detected not only in the otic vesicle (indicated by the red arrowhead), but also in the lateral line neuromasts (indicated by red arrows). (C’’) and (C’’’) show the otic vesicle and the neuromasts at higher magnification, respectively. (D) slc4a2b mRNA was expressed in neuromasts at 72 hpf. (D’’) shows the neuromasts on the head (red arrowheads indicate the neuromast MI1, MI2, O2, et al.) and (D’’’) shows the posterior lateral line neuromasts.

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