Fig 2

Figures for Conant, 2020
Figure Caption

Fig 2 Testing nested models of post-WGD ohnolog evolution.

A) Model states and parameter definitions for the set of models considered. U (Unduplicated), C1 (Converging state 1), C2 (Converging state 2) and F (Fixed) are duplicated states, while S1 (Single-copy 1) and S2 (Single-copy 2) are single-copy states (see Methods). C1 and S1 are states where the gene from the less-fractionated parental subgenome will be or are preserved, and C2 and S2 the corresponding states for the more-fractionated parental subgenome. The fractionation rate ε (the probability of the loss of a gene from the less fractionated subgenome relative to the more fractionated one) can either be the same for conversions to C1 and C2 as it is for S1 and S21 = ε2) or it can differ (see B). The weights of the various arrows give a cartoon impression of the relative frequency of the different events: exact parameter estimates for the WGD-bcnbnf model are given in Fig 1. B) Testing nested models of WGD resolution. The most basic model (top) has neither biased fractionation nor duplicate fixation nor convergent losses. Adding any of these three processes improves the model fit (second row; blue arrows indicating statistical significance; P<10−10). Adding the remaining two processes also improves the fit in all three cases (WGD-bcf model in the third row; P<10−10). However, there is no evidence that the ε2 parameter is significantly different from 1.0 (WGD-b2cf does not improve the fit over WGD-bcnbnf, gray arrow indicating a lack of significant improvement in fit from the more complex model), implying no biased fractionation in the transitions to states C1 and C2. Likewise, there is no evidence that the η parameter is significantly different from 1.0 (WGD-bcf does not improve fit over WGD-bcnf), meaning that losses from C1 and C2 occur at similar rates as do losses from U. Hence, the WGD-bcnbnf model is best supported by these data and is used for the remaining analyses. Model names: WGD-n: Null model; WGD-b: Biased fractionation model; WGD-f: Fixation model; WGD-c: Convergence model; WGD-bcf: Bias/Convergence/Fixation model; WGD-bcnf: Bias/ Convergence (non-biased)/Fixation model; WGD-b2cf: Bias (2 rate)/Convergence/Fixation model; WGD-bcnbnf: Bias/Convergence (non-biased convergence, neutral convergent loss)/ Fixation model.

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