Figure 1
Figure 1
( A) Whole-mount in situ hybridization for vgll4l, yap, taz, vgll4b and tead3a at gastrula and at the 6-somite stage. Vgll4l is expressed in DFCs at 60% (dorsal view), 80% (lateral view) and 90% epiboly (vegetal pole view) but is not expressed in the KV at the 6-somite stage (vegetal pole view). Yap and Taz are shown at 80% epiboly and at the 6-somite stage in vegetal pole view, Vgll4b at gastrula stage and Tead3a at the 6-somite stage in vegetal pole views. Tead1a that is constitutively expressed is not presented. White arrowheads point to DFCs, blue arrowheads point to the KV. ( B) Cardiac jogging analyzed at 25 hr post fertilization (hpf). Graphs indicate the percentage of embryos with normal Left jog (L jog - yellow), Right jog (R jog ? dark blue) or no jog (light blue), visualized by in situ hybridization (top, h: heart) with a myosin light chain 7 (myl7) probed at 25 hpf in: wild-type (WT) embryos; embryos injected with standard (std) MO or with Vgll4l, Vgll4b, Yap, Taz, Yap and Taz, Tead1a or Tead3a MOs; embryos injected with ASO; rescue experiments of morphant phenotypes by injection of MO insensitive RNA; incubation with 2.5 µM of Verteporfin, a Yap inhibitor. For each experiment the name of gene, name and amount of MO and/or RNA injected are indicated on the left. For double Yap/Taz MO-KD, 4 ng Yap MOsp and 4 ng Taz MOsp2 have been injected. DFC ?name of the gene? MO indicates DFC-targeted knockdown experiment (Wang et al., 2013). (MO + RNA) stands for rescue experiment of the indicated MO together with 100 ng of the corresponding, MO insensitive, mRNA. ( C) Schematic of functional domains present in WT and in Vgll4l, Vgll4b, Yap, Taz and Tead3a mutants. nls: nuclear localization signal, PDZ: PDZ-binding motif, TA: transcription activation domain, TB: TEAD binding domain, TcoF-BD: transcription cofactor binding domain, TEA: DNA-binding TEA/ATTS domain, TDU: TONDU domain, WW: WW domain. Numbers indicate the position of the last amino-acid of each peptide. ( D) Laterality defects of homozygous mutant embryos and of embryos homozygous mutant for Taz, heterozygous for Yap, analyzed as described in ( B) for their cardiac jogging at 25 hpf. Numerical data for ( B) and ( D) are provided in Figure 1?source data 1.