Figure 2 Supplement 3

Figures for Wei et al., 2019
Figure Caption

Figure 2 Supplement 3 Early Notch loss-of-function results in bilateral Nodal pathway activation in the epithalamus.

(A–C) Confocal sections showing Left (A), Bilateral (B) or Absent (C) pitx2c expression in the epithalamus at 32 hpf (red). Embryo view is dorsal, anterior is up; scale bar = 10 µm. (D–H) Histogram showing the percentage of embryos with Left (L, blue), Bilateral (orange) and Absent (gray) pitx2c expression in mib-/- mutant embryos (D), in rbpja/b morphant (MO) embryos (E), in embryos expressing NICD (Notch Intra-cellular Domain) (F) and in embryos treated with 30 µM of LY411575 from 8 to 22 hpf (G) or from 22 to 32 hpf (H). Genetic background, treatment and embryos numbers are indicated below each bar; Con: control sibling embryos. Data are representative of two (D–F) or one experiment (E, G, H).

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