Sequential recruitment of epidermal sheath proteins.
Time-lapse images show dual labeling of epidermal sheaths by PLCδ-PH-Cerulean and GMA-GFP (A) or dArf6-GFP (B) in larvae additionally expressing the c4da-specific marker ppk-CD4-tdTomato. Cyan arrows mark single positive (PLCδ-PH-Cerulean) sheaths that convert to double positive (PLCδ-PH-Cerulean positive and GFP positive) during the time lapse; magenta arrows mark double-positive sheaths that persist through the time lapse. (C) GFP-cora1-483 labels epidermal sheaths. Epidermally expressed GFP-cora1-483 (top panel) co-localizes with endogenous cora (c566.9 antibody stain, middle panel) at epidermal sheaths (cyan arrows) and septate junctions (yellow arrows). GFP-cora1-483 additionally accumulates in epidermal nuclei.
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