Fig. S1
Different zfpm1 knock out alleles presented consistent phenotype. (A): Schematic illustration of two zfpm1 targeting alleles. Upper panel, the zebrafish zfpm1 genomic locus and Cas9/sgRNA targeting site. Deletions are shown as dashes. Lower panel, schematic representations of the domain structure of the wild type zebrafish Zfpm1 protein and truncated proteins derived from the Δ19 and Δ5 allele. The binding sites of the gRNAs (blue line) were indicated with the sgRNA sequence and PAM labeled with blue and red respectively. (B): zfpm1 mRNA level in different KO alleles. (C) Live images of control, zfpm1Δ19 /Δ19 and zfpm1Δ5 /Δ5 3 zebrafish at designated time points. Lateral view, anterior to the left. For 36hpf embryos and 7dpf larvae, scale bar: 200 μm. For animal from 30 dpf and 60 dpf, scale bar: 2mm.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 446(2), Yang, Y., Li, B., Zhang, X., Zhao, Q., Lou, X., The zinc finger protein Zfpm1 modulates ventricular trabeculation through Neuregulin-ErbB signalling, 142-150, Copyright (2019) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.