Fig. S4
Fak is required at the MHBC for basal constriction. Schematic for transplant procedure. 1. One-cell stage wild-type embryos were co-injected with mGFP (donor) or mCherry (host) and control or fak MO. 2. Cells from donors (sphere stage) were transplanted into hosts (shield stage). Transplanted cells were targeted to the presumptive MHB region (Woo and Fraser, 1995). 3. Embryos were incubated until prim-6 then imaged with live confocal microscopy. (E-F’) Donor cells are outlined in yellow and host cells in blue. (B,B’) Control donor and control host cells basally constricted normally when transplanted to the MHBC, (n=6). (C,C’) Cells from fak morphant donors transplanted into control hosts failed to undergo basal constriction at the MHBC, (n=4). Basal constriction occurred normally in control host cells, even when immediately adjacent to fak morphant donor cells.