Fig. 3
Rescue of the heart looping by smarce1 mRNA injection in smarce1 mutant embryos. Whole-mount in situ hybridization detects transcripts for the cardiomyocyte marker cmlc2. A-B. Embryos at 48 hpf showing a normal heart (A) and a smarce1?/? heart with a defective looping (B). (C?H) Analysis of heart looping at 72 hpf. Buffer injected embryos present a normal heart in control siblings (C) and a non-looped heart in all the mutants (D). (E?H) smarce1 mRNA injected embryos showing the rescue of the heart looping in the mutant embryos. Complete rescue is shown in (F); a partial rescue in (G); and the failing of rescue in (H). Scale bars: 50??m.