Fig. 6
Wnt activation rescues ectopic lens fiber differentiation in rw341 mutants. (A) Prox1 (green) and PCNA (magenta) expression in 5 dpf rw341 mutant lenses treated with DMSO, BIO, SB505124 and SB505124/BIO. The second row provides higher magnification of lens epithelia (le). Third and fourth rows show only green and magenta channels, respectively. In BIO-treated rw341 mutant lenses, lens epithelial cells still form multilayers and express Prox1. In SB505124-treated rw341 mutants, lens epithelium is monolayered and the number of Prox1-positive cells is reduced (arrowheads). In rw341 mutants treated with SB505124 and BIO, lens epithelium is monolayered and almost all lens epithelial cells are Prox1 negative. lf, lens fiber. (B) The number of Prox1-positive cells in lens epithelium of rw341 mutants per lens section. Either BIO or SB505124 treatment reduced the number of Prox1-positive cells. Dual treatment with SB505124 and BIO more effectively reduced the number of Prox1-positive cells in rw341 mutants than BIO treatment. However, no significant difference between SB505124 and BIO/SB505124 treatments may indicate that effective rescue of monolayered epithelial structure by SB505124 is enough to reduce ectopic Prox1 cell number. (C) Percentage of Prox1-positive cells in anterior lens epithelium of rw341 mutants. BIO treatment significantly reduced the percentage, which is similar to the outcome of SB505124 treatment. Dual treatment with SB505124 and BIO more effectively reduced the percentage of Prox1-positive cells than either SB505124 or BIO treatment alone. (B,C) Data are mean±s.d. One-way ANOVA: *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.005. Scale bars: 20 µm.