Fig. S6

Figures for Powell et al., 2017
Figure Caption

Fig. S6

Neutrophil-specific rescue of Cxcr2 rescues neutrophil behavior at wound, related to Figure 5

(A) Cxcr2-GFP was expressed from the neutrophil-specific lyzC promoter in Cxcr2 deficient embryos and neutrophils were tracked following tail-transection. Representative tracks from Cxcr2-/- + lyzC:GFP or lyzC:cxcr2-GFP shown. (B) Average meandering index of neutrophils at the wound in Cxcr2-/- larvae expressing lyzC:cxcr2-GFP is greater compared to lyzC:GFP control and (C) average neutrophil duration at the wound is rescued in Cxcr2-/- + lyzC:cxcr2- GFP to WT levels (n= WT+GFP 15 total cells from 5 larvae, mutant+GFP 35 cells/8 larvae, mutant+Cxcr2 19 cells/7 larvae, 1 representative experiment), *p<0.05.

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