Fig. 2
Rspo1 is required for normal wnt16 expression. Wild-type (WT; A,D,G) or Rspo1 MO-injected animals (B,E,H) were examined by WISH for expression of wnt16 at the time points indicated. Wnt16 is natively found in the dorsal anterior domain of each formed somite, overlapping the rspo1 expression domain, and is diminished in Rspo1 MO-injected animals. Black arrows indicate areas of lost wnt16 expression. Numbers of embryos displaying the depicted phenotype are indicated. (C,F,I) Histograms illustrate percentages of phenotypes. Lateral views of the mid trunk at 160× magnification. (J) qRT-PCR of wnt16 transcript at 18 hpf, 20 hpf, and 24 hpf, normalized to expression of ef1a, reveals decreased wnt16 in Rspo1 knockdown (Rspo1 MO) compared with wild-type (WT) (mean±s.e.m.). *P≤0.0189, determined by one-way ANOVA.