Fig. 3
Embryonic and Adult MG Have Distinct Origins
(A) Scheme of the transgenic lines used to address the MG potential of primitive versus definitive hematopoiesis.
(B and C) Whole-mount fluorescence microscopy images of Tg(kdrl:Cre; ßactin:Switch-DsRed; mpeg1:GFP) triple-transgenic embryos show absence of DsRed expression (red) in GFP+ pMFs (green) on the yolk ball at 30 hpf (B), and in GFP+ embryonic MG (green) in the brain parenchyma at 3 dpf (C) (n = 14).
(D) In contrast, in sections of adult triple-transgenic animals, DsRed labeling is observed in all GFP+ MG cells.
(E) Flow cytometry analysis on a brain dissected from a 12-week-old triple-transgenic animal identifies blood-derived mpeg1:GFPhigh CNS-associated MFs (blue circle, MFs) and mpeg1:GFPlow MG (red circle, MG). Both populations express the DsRed reporter at high level (n = 5). Scale bar: 50 μm. MFs, macrophages; MG, microglia.
See also Figures S4 and S5.