Fig. 3
Expression of ccl33 genes in zebrafish. (A and B) In situ hybridization of ccl33.2 and ccl33.3 in zebrafish embryos of different developmental stages, including the bud, 1 dpf, 2 dpf, 3 dpf, and 6 dpf. aa, aortic arches; br, brain; ey, eye; e-ysl, external yolk syncytial layer; fb, forebrain; hb, hindbrain; mb, midbrain; mo, mouth; np, neural plate; pfb, pectoral fin bud; pol, polster; tb, tail bud. (C and D) Expression of ccl33.2 and ccl33.3 in adult zebrafish organs using real-time PCR analysis. The y axis represents the relative expression value. Ba, barbel; Fi, caudal fin; Gi, gill; In, intestine; Li, liver; Mo, mouth; Mu, muscle; Sk, skin.