Fig. 3
The validation of the il7r?/? mutant by western blotting and whole-mount in situ hybridisation.
a The expression of IL7R protein in WT and il7r?/? larvae at 4 dpf. Note that no IL7R protein is detected in il7r?/? larvae. b The images of whole-mount in situ hybridisation with gh1 (arrowheads) and rag1 (arrows) mRNA probes in WT and il7r?/? larvae at 4 dpf. c-d The statistical analysis of gh1-positive area (c) or rag1-positive area (d) between WT and il7r?/? larvae. Note that rag1 expression is significantly decreased in il7r?/? larvae. Results are represented as means?±?SEM, ***P?<?0.001. The upper four panels in b: dorsal view. The lower two panels in b: dorsal is up, and rostral is left. Scale bar in b: 100??m