Fig. S4
Myd88 knock out rescues over-inflammation in miR-223-/- embryos, related to Figure 3. (A, B) Representative images and quantification of efficiency of transient knock out of GFP using the CRISPR/Cas system. Single guide RNAs targeting GFP were injected into embryos from Tg(lyzC: GFP) together with Cas9 proteins, or Cas9 protein alone. The number of green neutrophils at 3 dpf was counted. (C) CRISPR screening. Two separate sgRNAs were designed for each gene. Pooled sgRNAs targeting one gene or two genes were injected with Cas9 protein into miR-223-/- embryos. Neutrophil recruitment to the wound at 6 hpw was quantified using gfp sgRNA as a control. Genes in the three pathways were color coded separately.