Fig. 1
Jag1b and Jag2b are required for all canonical Notch signaling in the developing liver and exocrine pancreas. a?d 3D rendering of the foregut endoderm of 72 hpf embryos in the canonical Notch signaling transgenic reporter tg(Tp1:GFP) (green) background, stained with hepatopancreatic endoderm marker Prox1 antibodies (red) and nuclear marker DAPI (blue). Ventral view, anterior up. Tp1:GFP expression in liver and pancreas of jag1b ?/? mutants (b, representative sample, n?>?15) is comparable to that in wild type (a), but is decreased in jag2b ?/? mutants (c, representative of 14/18 samples). jag1b ?/? ;jag2b ?/? double mutants (d, representative sample, n?=?15) show a complete absence of Tp1:GFP expression in Prox1+ cells. e Bright-field microscopy of 4 dpf wild type (top) and jag1b ?/? ;jag2b ?/? mutant (bottom), showing mutant with grossly normal development with the exception of heart and pronephric edema. Samples from three different jag1b ?/+ ;jag2b ?/+ in-cross clutches. Scale bars 50??M (a?d), and 500??M e