Fig. 6
Three single-insertion mutant lines, segregated from multiple insertions, have adult caudal fin regeneration defects after amputation. (A) Diagram showing three single-inserted pIDMs in the galnt2, ggt7l and cry61genomic DNAs segregated from lines pIDM-A28, A3 and E7. (B) Fin regeneration defects upon Dox-treatment in pIDM-A28 F2 mutants with single-insertion galnt2 IM, pIDM-A3 F3 mutants with single-insertion ggt7l IM, and pIDM-E7 F3 mutants with single-insertion cry61l IM as indicated. The experiments were performed as described in Fig. 4A. Black arrow, cutting site. (C) Images showing WT and mutant embryos of the three single-insertion lines upon Dox treatment at 3.5 dpf as indicated. (D) The relative expression level of galnt2, ggt7l and cry61 transcripts decreased in segregated mutant embryos at 3.5 dpf upon Dox treatment as indicated. (E) Down-regulation of the entrapped gene expression was found in respective segregated mutant lines upon Dox-treatment as indicated time points. The amputated caudal fin was sampled at 2 or 3 dpa. In B, C and E, representative fish are shown, the number of fish showing the displayed phenotype versus total fish examined are provided in the corresponding images.