Fig. 2
Characterization of zbtb17 morphants.
(A) Analysis of aberrant splicing patterns in exon 4 splice donor morphants. Representative pattern indicating wild-type (a) and two aberrant (b,c) cDNAs, whose structures are shown on the right. Isoform b originates from the use of a cryptic splice donor site in exon 4 (nucleotides 763–764 in transcript ENSDART000000114840.3); isoform b represents an exon-skipping event eliminating exon 4. (B) Thympoietic activity measured by RNA in situ hybridization in zbtb17 morphants. The number of embryos in each cohort is indicated. (C) Representative microphotographs of zbtb17 morphants (from (B)) after RNA in situ hybridization with rag1 and gh probes (see Fig. 1). Scale bar, 100 μm. (D) Thymopoietic activity measured by qPCR in zbtb17 morphants at 4 dpf. RNAs were isolated from pools of 20 embryos each.