Fig. S9
Rsph9 function is not required for kinocilia formation or hair cell mechanotransduction.
rsph9208/+ (A,C) and in rsph9208/rsph9208 (B,D) sibling embryos at 3 dpf were immunostained for acetylated tubulin to label kinocilia. A, B: kinocilia of the inner ear lateral crista hair cells. C, D: kinocilia in the lateral line neuromasts. E, F: larvae were derived from a cross between rsph9208/ rsph9208 females and rsph9208/+ males and treated with FM1-43 vital dye at 6 dpf. E (higher magnification in E'): a representative FM1-43 treated rsph9208/+ larva. F (higher magnification in F'): a representative FM1-43 treated rsph9208/rsph9208 larva.