Fig. S9
Myocardial specific nrg2a overexpression leads to an increase in cardiomyocyte proliferation
(a-d) 3D views (maximum intensity z-projections) of Tg(myl7:mVenus-gmnn) (a and c) or Tg(myl7:mVenus-gmnn);Tg(myl7:nrg2a-p2a-tdTomato) (b and d) hearts at 78 (a-b) and 96 (c-d) hpf. Proliferating cardiomyocytes are labeled in green; white and yellow dashed boxes outline the ventricular and atrial chambers, respectively; V: ventricle, At: atrium; scale bars, 50 ?m. (e-f) Graphs showing the average number of proliferating cardiomyocytes per heart (e) and per ventricular or atrial (f) chamber at 78 and 96 hpf; N=9 hearts; values represent means ± SEM; * P? 0.05,** P? 0.01 by Student?s t-test.