Fig. 1
The microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF) is oncogenic with BRAFV600E in melanomagenesis. (a) Adult wild-type zebrafish or (b) adult mitfavc7 mutant zebrafish living in water at 28 °C or (c, d) <26 °C. At <26 °C some melanocytes are visible in the body (d: enlarged region, white arrows). (e) Adult transgenic line expressing human BRAFV600E in the melanocytes. (f–i) Genetic crosses of BRAFV600Emitf at the semirestrictive temperatures develop nevi (*) and melanoma (on the tail of the middle fish, and on the head of the bottom fish). (j) Melanoma incidence curves of BRAFV600Ep53 and BRAFV600Emitf (<26 °C) genetic crosses. (k) Real-time PCR (RT-PCR) analysis of the mitfa transcript in BRAFV600Ep53 and BRAFV600Emitf melanomas.