Fig. 1
Gabazine Injections Cause Time-Dependent Spontaneous Proliferation in Undamaged Retinas
(A) Model illustrating effects of gabazine injection on MG proliferation.
(B and C) Wild-type eyes were injected with PBS (B) or 12.5 nmol gabazine (C) into one eye. Fish recovered for 48 hr after gabazine injections before proliferation was measured. Representative images are small portions of entire retina. Scale bar, 100 μm.
(D) Proliferating cells were counted across whole sections by PCNA staining for pretreatment (n = 16 eyes analyzed), PBS injection (n = 40), and gabazine injection (n = 31). hpi, hours post injection. One-way ANOVA was used; error bars denote SD; ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001.