Fig. 8

Figures for Lai et al., 2017
Figure Caption

Fig. 8

In vivo zebrafish xenotransplantation model of U373-MG tumorsphere cells with overexpressed Racs. Same as described in Figure 6, tumorspheroid cells derived from U373-MG harboring control GFP or Rac cDNAs were injected into the yolks of 2 dpf stage zebrafish Tg(kdr:mcherry) embryos. Confocal microscopy images were taken on the time indicated (LSM880, ZEISS). A. Inject with medium only. B. U373-vector cells. C. U373-Rac1 cells. D. U373-Rac2 cells. E. U373-Rac3 cells. Data shown were the representative from at least three independent experiments. Embryos injected number: n=10~15 for each group. GFP (green) represents glioblastoma spheroid cells, and mCherry (red) represents the vessels of the zebrafish embryos. Arrows show the angiogenesis which the new vessel branches approaching the injected tumor spheroid cells. Scale bar = 200 μm.

Figure Data
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