Fig. 3
Notch Activation Is Required for Arterial vMC Recruitment
(A) Pharmacological and genetic inhibition of Notch signaling reduces vMC recruitment around the DA. Confocal images of partial z-projections of the trunk region (somite 8?14) of Tg(kdrl:egfp)s843Tg(acta2:mCherry)uto5 embryos at 80 hpf (merged and single channels) treated with DAPT or co-injected with notch1b and notch3 morpholinos. Scatter plots show the number of vMCs counted along 500 ?m of the DA at 80 hpf. n = 27, 29, and 19 embryos. Data are represented as mean ± SD. Stars represent the results of one-way ANOVA-Dunnett?s post hoc test (?p < 0.05, ??p < 0.01, ???p < 0.001, ????p < 0.0001). g, gut.
(B) Hey2/grl is required for vMC recruitment. Confocal images of partial z-projections of the trunk region (somite 8?14) of Tg(kdrl:egfp)s843;Tg(acta2:mCherry)uto5 embryos at 80 hpf (merged and single channels) after grl knockdown by morpholinos injection. Compared to controls, grl morphants lack vMC coverage around the DA (arrows). Scatter plots show the quantification of vMC number per 500 ?m of the DA at 3 dpf. n = 23 and 17 embryos. Data are represented as mean ± SD. Stars represent the results of unpaired t tests of mean difference = 0 (?p < 0.05, ??p < 0.01, ???p < 0.001, ????p < 0.0001).
See also Figure S4.