Fig. S6
miR-126a can’t regulate Cxcl12a through targeting its 3'UTR. (A) Immunoblotting of Cxcl12a in embryos injected with indicated MOs at 48 hpf with anti-CXCL12 antibody; β-actin served as internal control. (B) Diagram the 3' UTR of the reporter used. (C) In vivo reporter assay of the gfp mRNA bearing wild-type Cxcl12a 3' UTR co-injected with control mimic (control MI), miR-126a mimic (miR-126a MI), dsred mRNA served as an internal control. Scale bar, 500 μm. Panels a and b represent close-ups of the boxed areas in right panels. (D) Quantification of fluorescence density ratio for GFP/DsRed in embryos. The value of optical density was calculated by ImageJ.