Fig. S3

Figures for Sicca et al., 2016
Figure Caption

Fig. S3

Characterization of astrocytoma cells expressing WT, R271C and R348H Kir4.1 channels. (a) WB analysis of cytosolic (CYT) and membrane (MEM) protein fractions derived from astrocytoma cells stably expressing WT and Kir4.1 mutations R271C and R348H. No significant differences in Kir4.1 expression levels were observed between WT and mutated Kir4.1 expressing cells. Actin is used as internal loading control. Molecular weight markers are on the left (kDa). (b) Co-immunofluorescences of astrocytoma cells expressing WT or mutated channels with anti-Xpress mAb (red) and FITC-conjugated phallacidin (green) show no differences in the distribution of WT, R271C and R348H channels in the cytoplasm and plasma membrane of U251 cells. Scale bar: 10 µm

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