Fig. 2
The mtDNA Copy Number in FACS-Isolated PGCs and Non-PGCs from Zebrafish Embryos
(A) GFP expression in transgenic zebrafish embryos (EGFP-nanos3 3′ UTR). (A) Embryos were imaged using an Axioplan M1 Zeiss microscope. The images represent a combination of pictures captured along the anterior-posterior axis of the embryo, using specific focal planes. Scale bars represent 100 µm for 8 hpf and 200 µm for 24, 48, and 72 hpf.
(B and C) Absolute mtDNA copy number in (B) PGCs and (C) non-PGCs from various stages of development. Every symbol represents one group of 80 cells. Horizontal lines indicate mean with SD. The p values are generated by Spearman’s rank correlation test and indicate a downward trend when <0.05. R2 indicates fitness of a non-linear one-phase decay exponential equation.
(D) Plot of the non-linear one-phase decay equation for PGCs (derived from the graph in B) and non-PGCs (derived from C). The half-life was 6.9 hpf for PGCs and 3.4 hpf for non-PGCs.