Fig. 3
Endocytosis from apical and basolateral domain contributes to endosome and lysosome formation.
Uptake of Alexa 546 conjugated Dextran (A,B) and pHrodo Dextran (C,D) by peridermal cells in control (A,C) and myoVb (B,D) morpholino injected embryos obtained from Tg(cldnB:lynEGFP) line. Alexa 546 Dextran and pHrodo Dextran accumulates in lynEGFP vesicles in the morphants. Caveolin staining in lynEGFP expressing peridermal cells of control (E) and myoVb morphants (F) reveal that endocytosis from basolateral domain contributes for vesicle formation in morphants. X-Y plane and orthogonal projections of Alexa 546 Dextran, lynEGFP (G) and caveolin, lynEGFP (H) labelled morphant peridermal cells. Note the apical localisation of Dextran vesicles (arrowhead in G) and basolateral localization of caveolin vesicle (arrowhead in H). Scale bars are equivalent to 10 ยต.