Fig. S6
(a left panel) RT -PCR analysis in zebrafish hearts from Myoscape knockdown morphants compared to controls showed a successful splice site mutation as indicated by a clear double band. (a right panel) Western blot analysis of zebrafish hearts from Myoscape knockdown morphants compared to controls, revealing a significant (>60%) reduction of Myoscape protein content after morpholino injection. (b+d) Histological (HE staining, scale bar 100µm), immunohistochemical (scale bar 100µm) (c) and ultrastructural evaluation of zebrafish heart (e) sections and skeletal muscle tissue (f) showing no gross architectural deficits after Myoscape ablation, indicating no obvious role of Myoscape in development or cellular sub-architecture of these tissues in zebrafish (scale bar EM 1 µm).