Fig. 6
FK506-binding protein like (FKBPL) regulates vessel development in zebrafish embryos (A). Vessel quantification of 72 hpf embryos microinjected with AD-01 (1.3 pmol), demonstrating the inhibition of the intersegmental vessel (ISV) development. B and C, Graphs demonstrating a significant reduction in the number of embryos with normal vessels after injection of the Splice MO (B) and UTR MO (C), and significant phenotype rescue after coinjection of full length, N or C terminal hFKBPL mRNA in a Cd44-dependent manner. Embryos showing intact ISV formation at the indicated time points are defined as normal embryos in the quantification. Data points are meanąSEM. ne3. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001 (1-way ANOVA, Tukey multiple comparison post tests). D, Photomicrographs of 48 hpf embryos injected with control MO/zfkbpl MO (UTR) showing the disrupted vasculature; arrows indicate the trunk and tail vessels, and this was rescued by expression of full length hFKBPL mRNA. All the images are lateral views, anterior toward left.