Fig. 4
Zebrafish larvae morphology after 72 hpf of exposure to iron chelators.
A: Representative optical images of zebrafish morphology after 72 hpf exposure to DFO, L1 and ICL 670. Zebrafish kept in DMSO was used as control. Embryos treated with 1 mM ICL-670 did not survive to hatch (DNS); while those treated with 0.25 mM and 0.5 mM hatched abnormally and had bent bodies (shown with arrows). Images were captured at 2X magnification. B: Representative optical images of zebrafish morphology after 72 hpf exposure to DFO, L1 and ICL 670. Higher magnification (4X) shows edema in L1 and ICL-670 treated embryos. No abnormalities were observed in DFO treated embryos up to concentrations of 1 mM. Images were captured at 4X magnification.