Fig. 1
In vivo morpholino screen in zebrafish identifies 15 new regulators of thrombopoiesis.
MOs were injected into one-cell stage transgenic Tg(cd41:EGFP) zebrafish embryos and assayed for their effect on the number of thrombocytes (cd41high) at 3 dpf. Representative confocal images were taken of the CHT. For akap10, brd3a, brf1b, kalrn 1, kalrn 2, kif1b, mfn2, pdia5, psmd13 and satb1 a severe decrease in the number of cd41high positive cells was observed. brf1a, rcor1, waspla, wasplb and wdr66 depletion resulted in a mild phenotype, and fen1, grtp1b and tmcc2 MO injected embryos showed no phenotype. All embryos are oriented with anterior to the left and dorsal to the top. White arrow ? thrombocytes; white arrowhead ? HSCs.