Fig. 3
Uptake of FM1-43 and hair cell toxicants are reduced in merovingian mutants. (A) There is reduced uptake of FM1-43 into the hair cells of merovingian mutants. Hair cells are expressing the brn3c:gfp transgene. (B) Neomycin-TR fails to enter hair cells of merovingian mutants. (C) Rho-Pt uptake is reduced in merovingian mutants. (D) Quantification of FM1-43, neomycin-TR, and Rho-Pt uptake into hair cells, normalized to background fluorescence (n=10 fish); **P=0.0046, ***P<0.0001 for neomycin-TR and P=0.0006 for Rho-Pt by Student’s t-test, Welch’s correction was used for neomycin-TR and Rho-Pt. Error bars indicate s.d. Scale bars: 10 μm.