Fig. S3
Single color in situs in support of Fig. 5.
RNA in situ hybridizations with wnt1, fgf8a, and pax2a at the stages shown on the left; genotypes indicated at the top. Dorsal views with anterior to the left. (A-L) 10.33 hpf embryos (1-3 somite stage). wnt1 (A-D) is expressed in the presumptive midbrain and is reduced in otxMO and gbx-;otxMO. fgf8a (EH) is expressed in presumptive r1 (black arrows) and r4 (black dots). pax2a (I-L) is expressed in a broad domain encompassing the MHB. The onset of fgf8a and pax2a expression is largely unaffected in mutants compared to WT. (M-T) At 14 hpf, wnt1 expression is still expanded in gbx- and reduced in otxMO and gbx-;otxMO (N-P), while fgf8a expression is progressively expanding in otxMO and gbx-;otxMO (S,T).
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 386(1), Su, C.Y., Kemp, H.A., and Moens, C.B., Cerebellar development in the absence of Gbx function in zebrafish, 181-90, Copyright (2014) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.