Fig. S11
Etv2 cell autonomously initiates transdifferentiation of muscle cells. Blastula cell transplantation was performed from triple transgenic, mylpfa:mRFP/hsp70l:etv2/kdrl:GFP+, into wild-type embryos. Approximately 10 cells were transplanted per embryo. Transplanted embryos were raised until 22 hpf at which point they were selected for embryos displaying mylpfa:mRFP expression in distinct regions absent in kdrl:GFP. These embryos were then either heat shocked or left as no heat shock controls. Embryos were then analyzed for mylpfa:mRFP/kdrl:GFP coexpression at 10 h post–heat shock and followed out to 44 h post–heat shock. Two kdrl:GFP positive muscle fibers, one still mylpfa:mRFP positive (arrow), under-go transdifferentiation to form functional vessels supporting blood cell flow (see Movie S4).