Fig. 4 sulf1 morphants have no loss of slow muscle fibers or ptc1 expression. (A and B) Whole-mount labeling of control (A) or sulf1 morphant (B) zebrafish at 24 hpf with the F59 antibody that labels slow muscle fibers at this time-point. Images shown are centered on the 15th somite. Both control and morphant fish have slow muscle fibers along each somite, though the shapes of the somites are different. (C) Quantification of the F59-labeled slow muscle fibers at the 15th somite for control and sulf1 morphant fish revealing that there is a slight, but not statistically significant reduction in the number of slow fibers in sulf1 morphants. (D and E) Cross-sections of control (D) and sulf1 morphant (E) fish at 24 hpf labeled with the BA-D5 antibody that labels slow muscle myosin, showing that the slow muscle fibers in morphants are in approximately the same number and position as controls, though there is not an obvious indentation at the myoseptum in morphants. (F–I) In situ hybridization against the hedgehog target ptc1 in control (F and H) and sulf1 morphant zebrafish (G and I) at 24 hpf. Both control and morphant fish have grossly similar levels and patterns of ptc1 expression. At higher magnification along the yolk extension (H and I), both controls and morphants have equivalent levels of ptc1 in the anterior portion of each somite. The somites are of different shape, but there is no dramatic change in the pattern of ptc1 expression. Scale bars: A, B: 50 μm; D, E: 50 μm; F, G: 250 μm; H, I: 50 μm.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 378(2), Meyers, J., Planamento, J., Ebrom, P., Krulewitz, N., Wade, E., and Pownall, M.E., Sulf1 modulates BMP signaling and is required for somite morphogenesis and development of the horizontal myoseptum, 107-21, Copyright (2013) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.