Fig. S1
Notch signalling is active in the blastema. (A) qPCR determination of deltaC, deltaD, jag1b and notch1a transcripts in regenerating fins at 3 dpa relative to non-amputated fins (0 dpa). (B,C,E) In situ hybridization on 3 dpa fin sections. msxb is expressed in the whole blastema (B) whereas msxe (C) and aldh1a2 (E) expression is restricted to the distal region (arrowheads) but absent in the proximal region (arrows). (D) BrdU-labelled cells are densely packed in the distal region of the blastema (arrowhead), but dispersed proximally (arrow). (F-K) In situ hybridization on 5 dpa fin sections. jag1b (F), lfng (G) and her6 (H) are expressed in the distal region of the blastema (arrowheads) but not in the more proximal differentiation zone, similar to msxe (I) and aldh1a2 (K). Scale bar: 10 μm in E,K. Broken lines mark the amputation plane.