Fig. 1

Figures for Stoletov et al., 2013
Figure Caption

Fig. 1

Cx43 expression pattern in brain metastases from breast cancer patients. (A–C) Epifluorescent photomicrographs of a surgically resected brain metastasis from a breast cancer patient triple-stained for (A) nuclei (DAPI, blue), (B) Cx43 (red) and (C) the glial cell marker protein GFAP (green). (D) shows the merged images of A–C. (E) Zoomed region of box in D. Asterisk in A and the box in D show vessel lumen with autofluorescent red blood cells (red; arrowhead in E). Asterisk in E shows tumor on the vessel surface with positive Cx43 staining (arrow). (F–I) Epifluorescent photomicrographs of uninvolved normal brain tissue and associated blood vessel from the same brain metastasis specimen as above. (J) Zoomed region of box in I. Asterisk in F and the box in I show the vessel lumen with autofluorescent red blood cells (red; arrowhead in J). Scale bars: 25μm (A,F), 10μm (E,J).

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