Fig. 7

Figures for Garnaas et al., 2012
Figure Caption

Fig. 7 Rargb morphants develop biliary defects. (A and B) Fluorescence microscopy of Notch reporter fish tp1bglob:eGFP at 5 dpf. Rargb morphant embryos develop defective bile duct architecture (B, arrows) compared to the normal latticework appearance of the control embryo′s biliary tree (A). (C?F) Confocal microscopy of 2F11 whole mount immunostained embryos at 5 dpf. Rargb morphant embryos display enlarged cell bodies (D and E, white arrowheads) and reduced branching of intrahepatic bile duct networks (F) compared to control embryos (C). White dotted lines outline the liver. Images are taken at the same magnification. (G?I) In situ hybridization for hox11 at 5 dpf. Rargb morphants display small (H) or absent (I) spleens compared to control embryos (G). Black arrowheads denote the spleen. Scale bars: 50 žm.

Figure Data
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Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 372(2), Garnaas, M.K., Cutting, C.C., Meyers, A., Kelsey, P.B., Harris, J.M., North, T.E., and Goessling, W., Rargb regulates organ laterality in a zebrafish model of right atrial isomerism, 178-189, Copyright (2012) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.