Fig. 4
Wnt Signaling Inhibits the Formation of Radial Glia in the Posterior Recess at 4 dpf (A) Coexpression of mCherry driven by the Gal4 zc1066a insertion with the radial glial marker BLBP. (B) Coexpression of Gal4-driven Kaede with the radial glial marker glutamine synthetase. (C) Costaining for Sox3 and Gal4-driven Kaede. Most Gal4+ cells have low or absent Sox3 expression. (D) Costaining for TCFSiam:GFP and Gal4-driven mCherry. Few Gal4+ cells show Wnt reporter activity. (E and F) Gal4 zc1066a-driven mCherry (E) and BLBP (F) expression in the posterior recess of 4 dpf embryos following Wnt pathway inhibition or activation at 3 dpf. Single ventral confocal optical sections are shown in all panels. Scale bar represents 80 μm.
Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 23(3), Wang, X., Kopinke, D., Lin, J., McPherson, A.D., Duncan, R.N., Otsuna, H., Moro, E., Hoshijima, K., Grunwald, D.J., Argenton, F., Chien, C.B., Murtaugh, L.C., and Dorsky, R.I., Wnt signaling regulates postembryonic hypothalamic progenitor differentiation, 624-636, Copyright (2012) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell