Fig. 2
bmyb is the crb gene and may act through regulation of cyclin B. (A) crb positional cloning schematic with an enlarged view of the crb locus that depicts the BAC genomic clones identified in a chromosomal walk in analysis of 3,068 meioses from diploid mutants. The number of recombination events identified from the distal side (squares) and proximal side (circles) are indicated. (B) Schematic representation of the mutation in bmyb found in the crb mutants. Splice donor mutation (GT to GG) occurred between exon 13 and exon 14 (just after amino acid 591) causing a frameshift in the protein. (C) Phenotypic rescue (assessed by pH3 staining) of 24-hpf crb embryos by injection of bmyb mRNA and phenocopy of crb by injection of bmyb morpholinos. (D) Whole-mount embryo mRNA in situ hybridization analysis for cyclin B1 and cyclin E2. (E) Phenotypic rescue of 24 hpf crb embryos by injection of cyclin B1 mRNA.