Fig. 8

Figures for Ben et al., 2011
Figure Caption

Fig. 8 Processing of Gli2a is regulated by Hh activity and is disrupted in ta3 mutant embryos. Western blot of extracts of 28 hpf embryos probed with anti-Gli2a antibody. The full-length Gli2aFL form runs with apparent molecular weight of <190 kDa and the truncated Gli2aR form with an apparent molecular weight of <48 kDa. The same filter was probed with anti-actin, which serves as a loading control. Numbers below each lane show the level of Gli2aFL relative to that in wild-type normalized to control and the FL:R ratio for each sample based on densitometric analysis of filters exposed for identical times. Note, however, that the three panels shown here were exposed for different lengths of times for the purpose of clarity of presentation. Cyc, cyclopamine treated; M, Mta3 embryos; MZ, MZta3 embryos.

Figure Data
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